First of our autumn novelties. Just got off the press. After the success, with three editions in Galician, of ¿A qué altura está el cielo?, now, for the entire Spanish public, 1st edition in Spanish: ¿A qué altura está el cielo?, by #JorgeMira, written with the collaboration by # MaríaCanosa and illustrated by # DaniPadrón, # PremioCienciaenAcción for the best teaching material. Soon, in your favorite bookstore.

A qué altura está el cielo, now in spanish


First of our autumn novelties. Just got off the press. After the success, with three editions in Galician, of ¿A qué altura está el cielo?, now, for the entire Spanish public, 1st edition in Spanish: ¿A qué altura está el cielo?, by #JorgeMira, written with the collaboration by # MaríaCanosa and illustrated by # DaniPadrón, # PremioCienciaenAcción for the best teaching material. Soon, in your favorite bookstore.